The Englewood Florida Chamber of Commerce has just released the latest update on their upcoming beach renourishment project, saying that the dredge equipment will be staged on/around the beach immediately following the end of Turtle Season (October 31st).
Work on the beach will be after WaterFest Boat Races, which are scheduled for November 22nd – 24th, according to the update. We can expect sand to be pumped onto the beach from offshore sandbars into the construction zones.
According to the first article, “The sand will be the consistency of mud. These zones are expected to be 100-200 feet in length and stretch from the dunes to the water. Tractors will spread the accumulated sand within the construction zone. One a zone is completed (1-2 days), the zone will move down the beach another 100-200 feet,”.
The Wikipedia article below is an explanation of beach nourishment/renourishment. The advantages include widening the beach and reinforcing protection of beachside property. For those concerned about the local sea turtle nesting population, the Wikipedia states “…nourishment can provide more/better habitat for them, as well as for sea birds and beach flora. Florida addressed the concern that dredge pipes would suck turtles into the pumps by adding a special grill to the dredge pipes.”
The completion date is currently set for March 31, 2020. This is yet another reason to take the dive and move to our sunny beach town by building with Southwest Florida Dream Builders!